Robots are the future of humanity, as they can be programmed to do things that a human could never imagine being able to do. Whether it be a fully automated restaurant or a robotic surgeon performing life-or-death surgery on someone, the future of robots is bright, and their abilities are vast.
Here at Trottier, we are lucky enough to have a robotics club and team.
The teacher who runs it is Mrs. Folsom, the tech ed teacher at Trottier. She first learned to program in college and decided to pursue a career in the field. After twenty years of working as an engineer, she decided to start teaching robotics to ‘sketchy children’ like you and me. When she came to Trottier, the robotics club had already been there for a while, so she decided to take over the leadership of it. The club and team are both located in the tech classroom. The robotics club starts in the spring and the team starts in the fall. The club meets once a week, and this year we meet on Tuesdays. The team usually meets 2 times a week and near the competition, we meet 4 times a week. A commonly asked question by many is, “Why do we only compete in the fall?” Mrs. Folsom answered, “We are part of the 1st Lego league, and they only have competitions for middle school in the fall. The high school team competes in the spring.”
Robotics club is an inclusive club that anyone can join at any time. It is made for everybody to learn robotics, no matter their skill level or age. Whether it be in the spring or fall or off-season or on-season, Robotics club always has a place for anyone who wants to join.